"Tower"'s 20-th anniversary
Ровно 20 лет назад, 26 октября 1996 года была основана компания "Тауэр".
За истекшие 20 лет Объединение Структур Безопасности "Тауэр" выросло и расширилось.
Мы стали одной из крупнейших компаний, предоставляющих услуги в сфере охраны и безопасности.
Сфера нашего влияния охватывает не только областной центр - Иваново, но и практически всю Ивановскую область.
Офисы и группы быстрого реагирования "Тауэра" располагаются в таких городах, как Кинешма, Родники, Шуя, Вичуга, Комсомольск, Тейково, Фурманов, Приволжск, Плёс.
Мы и впредь будем стоять на страже безопасности и спокойствия наших клиентов!
The robber was caught at grocery store
17th October 2016 at 00.26 am to the monitoring station of Tower Security Company received a signal about triggering of the alarm in the shopping pavilion "Products", located at the address: Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Kavaleriyskaya St., 46-A. The operator of the monitoring station to determine the cause of triggering the security alarm at the facility were directed RRG. Upon arrival at the place at 00.29 am by RRG staff had detained a man who, having broken shutters on the window, trying to get inside the pavilion.
The operations duty officer reported about arrest on the object policeman and responsible worker's of the trade pavilion.
Upon arrival at the scene the police, the attacker was handed to them by the employees of the RRG of Tower Security Company for further proceedings on the merits of the incident.
5th round of Uniliga - first draw
15 October was the 5th round of Osiligi on mini-football.
Team Tower Security Group competed with the team "Kolteks".
In a tense struggle our players was played with opponents to a draw. The first time this season.
Rybolovov (18, 33), Nesterov (31, 39) - Nikiforov (8), V. Boyko (25, 38), Hasanli (30)
The match was passed in persistent struggle. Not only that, this couple was one of the contenders for "match of the tour", which speaks for itself, so also are neighbors in the standings. The first half could not boast with plenty of goals. At 8th minute Roman Nikiforov opened the scoring against TOWER, who were able to respond in kind only on the 18th minute thanks to an accurate shot of Andrew RYBOLOVOV.
The second half was livelier and more intense. In the 25th minute Vladimir Boyko brought Kolteks forward. A little later, the lead strengthened Murad Hasanli. The team of TOWER was not going to give up. Couple of great goals from Andrew RYBOLOVOV and Alexander Nesterov was equalized. Give yours glasses did not want any of the teams. In the last minutes, both teams exchanged goals and went in a fighting draw - 4:4.Post-match review Alexander Nasonov (Tower Security Group):
“This time we are satisfied with the result, we were lucky. "Validol's game", put out a point in the final seconds, it's worth it. For us now every match is fundamental, we will analyze the game and continue to improve”.
The robber was caught in the jeweller's shop
08.10.2016 г. в 15.06 на ПЦН ООО ОП «Тауэр» поступил звонок от заведующей ювелирного магазина «Золотое кольцо» о том, что происходит разбойное нападение, в ходе которого неизвестный мужчина с применением ножа пытается разбить витрину и завладеть ювелирными изделиями. Оператором ПЦН о данном происшествии немедленно был поставлен в известность оперативный дежурный, по указанию которого к месту происшествия были направлены два экипажа ГБР. Оперативный дежурный выехал на объект следом за отправленными экипажами ГБР на автомашине технической службы. Во время следования к месту происшествия на ПЦН с объекта пришел сигнал тревожной кнопки. Оперативным дежурным было дано указание оператору ПЦН на вызов полиции.
Время прибытия экипажей ГБР на объект составило 2 минуты. По прибытии на место, сотрудниками ОСБ "Тауэр" совместно с охранниками ТЦ "Плаза", в магазине был задержан мужчина, который ранее, со слов заведующей, совершил на объекте разбойное нападение, угрожал ей ножом, пытался разбить витрину с ювелирными изделиями. В отношении неизвестного сотрудниками ГБР были применены спецсредства - наручники.
По прибытии в магазин сотрудников полиции злоумышленник был им передан и установлен как гр-н Шалагин, ранее судимый за аналогичное преступление, недавно освободившийся из места отбытия наказания.
4th round of Uniliga. Winners again
Tower Security Group's team played in the 4th round of Uniliga with «Legion» team on the 9th of October.
With score 5:3 we WIN in this game!
Again to quote official information from the group Uniliga:
Motorkin (12), Myrkakov (19, 32) - Tutukin (1, 18, 27), Bogomolov (5), Rybolovov (15)
The match of the round – “Legion” team vs team Tower Security Group was really hot. The game has not yet begun, but on field already was felt crazy voltage. Two strong and a well-knit teams, his play has proved that most of our group members did not mistake with the choice of a pair of the 4th round. On the 1th minute “Tower” team was stepped forward. Maxim Tutukin was the author of the first goal. A few minutes later, Sergey Bogomolov "sign" in the gate of the Legion. “Green” tried to fight back and in the 12th minute Denis Motorkin first time was able to upset the goalkeeper Tower team. Andrew Anglers and Maxim Tutukin his goals to rectify the situation. This goals has not ended - Myrkakov Rasaman marked at the end of the first half. 2:4 – the result after first half.
The second period was much more interesting. Goals were not so many, but fight was gravely. Hard collision, lots of fouls, a lot of violations added the game more hue. In the end - score 3:5, Maxim Tutukin created het trick, and Rasaman Myrkakov - brace.Post-match review of Alexander Nasonov (Tower Security Group):
“The team played strictly for installing. Of course, there were some moments in the game that needed to improve. As a result, the guys have fixed the game, and taken it under control. We are now in the lead, so we will try even more”.
Post-match review of Eldiyar Bayterekov (Legion team):
“The opponents are very good, slightly rough, of course. We have half the team injured, although this should not be an excuse. So it turned out. I knew that with this game we'll ever get on the head and this day came. I hope this is the last time. The guys will shake, come around and we'll go forward”.